Since we are still taking classes we have tried to pack over the last week or so. We've gotten a lot done but there's still a lot to do and I kinda sorta procrastinated on my Christmas sewing project so I am trying to get that done before the big move too.
This is what my view currently looks like. Can you guess what my Christmas project is?
Aside from packing, sewing, and doing homework, our #1 priority is to have fun. ;)
At our ward Christmas party for church, Jon decorated this sugar cookie. I was so impressed with how pretty it looked. Aren't you?
For the past few months we have been hanging out with a few other couples multiple times a week. They are pretty much the best and you will probably here me whine about missing them all the time when we move. We do Family Home Evening with them every Monday night and tonight we invited a lot of other couples to join us for some Spikeball. What is family night with out treats, right? So I made some Puppy Chow/Muddie Buddies.
If you can't tell by the thumbs up, Jon totally approved.
While we were at FHE, our friends tried to hook their daughter up with this cute baby boy. She was totally the one making the moves. P.S. We love this family. Jon has brainwashed their daughter to think he is her uncle.
We set up three Spikeball nets and played king of the Spikeball.
We usually play as couple teams but tonight I ended up on a team with Madeline (the cute brunette two pictures up). We were a little too giggly for our own good. Then she switched out with Hannah (the cute blonde below) which was perfect because our husbands ended up on the same team. They are pretty much a Spikeball dream team. Hannah and I worked our way up to the champion's circle where we challenged our husbands. They were probably really surprised when we were within at least two points through out the whole game!
And for good measure, here is a picture of Hannah and her husband, Garrett. We love them too.
Don't forget to make time to have fun and eat Puppy Chow!
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