I was in eight grade when Jon graduated from high school. Don't worry, we were't dating then, in fact, we wouldn't even meet for another four years. It is just kind of fun to think that I was still wearing braces and piggie tails when Jon was headed off to college and on a mission and all of those other big kid things. When we did meet it was at a new student orientation that BYU-Idaho does, called Get Connected. I was a new freshman and Jon was volunteering as an I-Rep. My best friend and I saw him running around through out the conference and since we didn't know his name, we referred to him as Ken. Jon hates (I know, strong word!) that we thought of him as a fake, male barbie, but if you saw him then, you would agree. He had perfect tan skin, a nice bright smile, and he combed his hair with a nice part to the side. And he still looks like that, just a little more real now to me than back then.
A few months later we ended up at the same Harry Potter party because we had a mutual friend from my home town. We talked there but nothing came of it. He was probably dating someone else, but I wasn't looking for a boyfriend anyway. ;)
A year passed and I found myself volunteering for Get Connected. One morning after an early training, I was getting a drink from the drinking fountain in the hall. I stood up to find Ken, I mean Jon, petting my teddy bear. You are probably wondering why I had a teddy bear with me; Ralph was my best teddy friend. I've had him since I was little and my partner and I decided to tie him to our banner. He was very special to me, which is why you can see how offended I must have been when Jon asked if I got him at D.I.!!!
Ralph gets all the credit for setting Jon and I up. Ok, not really but that did lead to a longer conversation that ended with Jon asking me if I would be willing to interview to be on his council that semester. He had been elected as the Student Body President for the upcoming two semesters. I agreed to the interview. He asked for my number and told me he would contact me later.
I was planning on getting a job for that semester and so this council position did not sound like a good option for me, but I felt like it was something I needed to pursue for some reason. Through out the day I was really prayerful about it. Jon called later that day and came over to my apt. I remember loving how comfortable he seemed. He also had the most beautiful green eyes. But at that point I did not even consider that there would ever be anything more between us. With some persuasion from the spirit, I accepted his invitation to serve on his council.
To make a long story short(er), Jon and I began hanging out the next week. He "saved" me from an ex-boyfriend who followed us on a run the very first time we hung out, took me to play football with his friends, and became someone I wanted to spend my spare time with. No matter how much I enjoyed his company, I was not about to admit to myself (or anyone else) that I could potentially develop feelings for this guy. I mean come on, he was the Student Body President and all of the girls wanted to be with him. I was not about to become like all of those other girls.
Finally after several nights of hanging out, an intense ice cream fight, and Jon calling to inform me he was interested in me, I couldn't deny that I was pretty interested in him too.
We spent all our spare time together and grew very fond of one another. We waited for three months to kiss and were the first "I love you's" either of us had told anyone. He purposed to me in a self made "ice castle" and of course I said yes.
We got sealed for time and all eternity on April 13, 2013 in the San Diego LDS temple and now we are here--learning when to laugh instead of cry and how to love each other no matter what!
Your story is wonderful, and needs no embellishments. You two are perfect together, two halves of a whole!