Sunday, November 8, 2015

Jacobs' Halloween Bash

I would say Halloween weekend was a smashing success! We had family come into town and it what just what I needed! I was so excited to have them here to visit!

Friday we went truck-or-treating in the windy, freezing cold!

Then on Saturday after some volleyball we began the party prep! We ended up having more people than we thought we would so we set up in our apt. complex's club room and it was perfect! I had the best little helper! She handed me balloons in the pattern that I needed them and all I had to do was bribe her with chocolate. Not really, she helped even before I gave her the chocolate.

The food was delish and we ended up having sooo much extra! Last year the food was eaten pretty fast so we thought we needed to make more this year but we definitely over estimated! We had left over Halloween food for a week! This is only half of the food bar. Our friends brought some super yummy and super spooky treats too so we were definitely good on food.

Unfortunately you can't see our cool shells in any of the pictures, but we were definitely Ninja Turtles! Easiest costumes ever! 

Jon's brother wasn't able to come so his younger brother completed the Peter Pan crew in his place. They were THE cutest! Did I mention how much I loved having them here with us for the weekend?

The Irene's never fail us! They are the only last year party veterans that were able to make it. Can you guess what they were? Party Animals! Get it?! So clever! And Garrett made those masks! So artistic.

Introducing the Craig's- Taylor and I go way back to Colorado so we have been friends since forever and her and Connor got married this past August. We love having them in Rexburg with us! This was their last-minute-before-we-took-the-picture decision to be a drunk and a plum. 

The girls wanted to play ping pong so we assigned the uncles to watch Tiger Lily. They passed her off between turns while playing pool.

And my favorite all time Tinker Bell in the history of Tinker Bell's cheered us on!

My sister-in-law made this Tiger Lily costume? Isn't it amazing?

After we played a few more games, cleaned up and everyone trickled out, the boys played a few rounds of Jacobs vs. Jacobs. 

And we called it a night! Our Halloween Bash was fun, but Halloween weekend was the best!

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