Sunday, April 26, 2015

Anniversary Weekend Part Three: Reminisce With Me For a Minute

I know this final bit of our anniversary weekend has been a long time coming, but can you just humor me for a minute while we reminisce? 


Once you decide you officially love someone, it is safe to poll what little savings you have as a college student to invest in your relationship by having a date jar.  This was not long after we said, "I love you," for the first time. *cue "awe's*

In almost all of our engagement and wedding pictures Jon was whispering something funny or awkward to make me laugh.

The night before we got sealed in the temple we went to the beach to take pictures. This day was almost as special as the next day would be because I was able to go through the temple for the first time. I remember feeling on cloud nine and thinking, "And tomorrow is only going to get better!"

And then we started our own forever... Best day of my life!

And went to Cancun...

Then celebrated our first anniversary by hiking the Grand Canyon.

And a year later we ate a delicious ice cream sundae at Ghirardelli Square!

That was of course after eating dinner at a yummy crab station at Fisherman's Wharf. 

The next day we got up with the sun to stand in line to try and get ferry tickets to Alcatraz. Luckily we got tickets. The day before we bought a book called "Alcatraz Escape Files," so that we could be well educated on a lot of the exciting history of Alcatraz. It was our anniversary gift to ourselves. 

We did the audio tour and it was really neat! So much crazy history there. 

I could not believe how beautiful the views were on the island. On the other side there is a gorgeous view of the piers and the Golden Gate Bridge. Well worth the trip!

With fake smiles and an unflattering angle we said goodbye to Alcatraz. We really did have a good time! So much that I convinced Jon to start watching, "Prison Break" on Netflix with me.

You can see me holding the escape files book in this picture. I felt kind of nerdy reading it in line while we waited to get on the ferry, but it really added to the experience on the island! I don't know why, but these kind of things are really interesting to me!

After Alcatraz we went to Pier 39 for lunch and found the place where tons of sea lions were laying on the docks. We were seriously here for probably 45 minutes to an hour just watching them. 

We ended up finding this hot sauce shop and for those who don't know, Jon loves hot sauces! Can you see the excitement on his face? 

And of course we just had to go back to get another sundae to cool down our tongues after sampling all those hot sauces! ;)

 The last hoorah for our trip was going to AT&T park to watch the Giants play the Rockies. What a coincidence that the Rockies were playing while we were in town (I am from Colorado)! This game was one of the things that I was looking forward to most about our trip!

And boy did it meet my expectations! The Rockies won so of course we were glad that we decided to represent!

Sometimes we just need a break from our responsibilities and stresses and sometimes we need the time to focus on our relationships with the people that mean most in our lives. This trip was just what we needed! I think we will always make it a priority to save so that we can do something nice in celebration of the day that we were sealed for time and all eternity. 

Best friends forever! 

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